Frequently Asked Questions
My Pet doesn’t like the vet, so can I just ask an Animal Communicator what’s wrong with my pet instead of taking them to the vet?
An Animal Communicator is not a substitute for needed medical care for your animal. Unless the Animal Communicator is a licensed Veterinarian, giving a diagnosis or medical advice is illegal.
The responsibility of an Animal Communicator is to share the thoughts and feelings that were conveyed by the animal to their guardian. Sometimes an animal will tell a Communicator that they have a pain in a specific place and the information that is given can be helpful information to relay to a Veterinarian so that they can make a diagnosis. Also remember that your animal is not usually a Veterinarian either so they might not be able to tell you what is wrong. If you think of it like this, let say that you have a pain in your stomach and you tell your spouse that you have a pain in your stomach. If your spouse asks you, “what is wrong with your stomach?” Would you be able to diagnose the problem or only be able to relay that the pain is in a particular spot? The same usually goes for animals. They don’t always know what the issue is either.
Is an Animal Communicator? Is it the same as a Pet Psychic?
Not really. A Communicator having a conversation with an animal is not much different than having a conversation with another person. The big difference is that an animal communicator uses telepathy (telepathy actually means “far or distant feeling”) to have conversations with animals. The animal may share information about their memories, knowledge, wants, desires, feelings, and experiences. A psychic has the ability to see past the here-and-now and see into other areas such as the future and potentially give predictions. If an animal does not want to give information to the Communicator, then there is no way for the Communicator to get it (except to ask at another time). A Psychic may be able to get the information in other ways. Of course, there is always the possibility that you might find an Animal Communicator that just happens to also be a Psychic, but in general, they are not the same thing.
What would an Animal Communication session be like?
I request a photo of your animal and get basic information about them such as their name, age, sex, and how long you have had them. I use this information to make sure that I am connecting with the right animal.
1. Using the photo, I can connect with your animal while you are on the phone with me and I will relay the information that I receive from the animal regarding the questions or concerns, while we are on the phone. his is how I do 99% of my session.
2. Using the photo, I can connect with your animal while you and I are face-to-face in-person and I will relay the information that I receive from the animal regarding the questions or concerns , while we are together. You eed to contact Leslie to get this scheduled as she has to block off additional time for a face-to-face session to allow for travel time.
What are the pros and cons to each of the four types of sessions (email, phone, owner in-person, owner and animal in-person)?
Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
1. Phone session PRO: I will be able to validate with you that I have indeed connected with your animal. As well, some information that the animal gives might need clarification or take the conversation in a different direction and we can address it during the session.
Phone session CON: If your animal has a lot to say or the conversation takes us in a different direction, you might not get all of your questions/concerns answered without extra time or an additional session.
2. Owner in-person PRO: We have the opportunity to be face-to-face during the session, which often helps when the animal is telling me things like, “it hurts HERE”. It is more difficult to describe “HERE” to you over the phone. In-person I can point to the place they hurt. An in-person session also sometimes makes people feel much more comfortable that they have actually met me and have a face to go with the name and voice.
Owner in-person CON: If I come to you then I need to have the time to travel to and from the appointment (and sometimes weather or traffic can influence this travel). If I come to you, then there is an additional cost for my travel time (and expenses if over 100 miles from my home in Waterford, Michigan).
My pet was sick and so I decided to have them euthanized. How do I know if I made the right choice? How do I know if I did it too soon or too late?
Many people believe as I do, that animals have souls, and that they will transition into Spirit after their physical bodies have died. Many people opt to have me contact their pet after it has transitioned into Spirit to check on them to see if they are okay, or if they are upset about being euthanized, etc. This is actually a very common request.
It would be rare for an animal to be upset about you making the tough decision to have them euthanized if you were making that decision out of love for them. In my opinion, it is the most self-less act that we can do for our animals. I have never met anyone who was happy about having to put their animal to sleep and the animals know that it is not an easy decision for you to make.
Many people contact me to communicate with their sick pets to ask them if they are ready to go and to let the animal make the decision regarding timing. That helps to alleviate the stress from wondering what the right timing is for your pet.
Animals also look at death very differently than human’s do. They look at it as the next step, and it is just a part of life. They don’t have a fear of death, because it is not the end for them, just an end to using this particular physical body.
I read a great quote from Laurie Moore where she says, “Remember nobody is dead. Souls simply change costumes.”
My dog has some behavior problems. Can an animal communicator tell my animal to stop this behavior?
Yes I can ask your dog to stop the behavior. However, just like you and I, the dog has free will and they can choose whether they wish to change their behavior or not. The way that I prefer to handle this is to explain to the dog why the behavior is an issue to their guardian and explain what could potentially happen if they choose not to change the behavior or what the benefits would be if they did choose to change the behavior. My job is to translate and also to offer guidance when appropriate.
A big benefit to hiring an Animal Communicator is that I can ask the animal if the behavior is caused by a physical or emotional issue. If it is a medical problem, then perhaps you could seek medical care for them. If it is an emotional problem, I am also a Reiki Master and if you wish, I can provide Reiki to your animal to try to clear up the emotional issue(s).
Sometimes, it can actually be as simple as communicating to the animal that this is not acceptable behavior to the guardian. I have done this in the past and the animal told me that “they didn’t know that it was wrong”. After our communication session, the animal’s guardian let me know that the behavior stopped immediately.
Unfortunately I am not an expert on everything, so if I am not able to help with the situation, I may be able to refer you to someone who could help (for instance: a Certified Trainer).
Why would I hire an Animal Communicator?
If there is some information that you would like to get from your animal or information that you would like them to understand. I so often hear my clients say, “if I only knew what my pet was thinking!” This is where an Animal Communicator can be invaluable.
If they are upset, sick, or in pain, would you know it? Even if you could tell from their behavior that “something” was wrong, would you know what the “something” was?
Consider that many animals will PURPOSELY hide the fact that they are sick or injured because it is a sign of weakness, which makes them vulnerable in the animal kingdom. Many animals will go to extreme measures to hide an injury.
Other reasons are to ask your animal about a particular behavior that you are not fond of.
Or if your animal is sick, you might want me to ask them when they would like to transition to Spirit, and if they want helping doing so?
Here is a quick list of the top 10 most common questions that I am asked to convey to animals:
1. Are you sick or in pain?
2. Do you like your food?
3. Why do you do “that behavior?” Will you stop “that behavior”?
4. Do you want to have babies?
5. Do you want to transition? When? Do you want help transitioning?
6. Do you want an animal companion?
7. How do you feel about the other animals in the house?
8. What do you need me to know?
9. Are you happy? Do you want to live with me?
10. How can I help you?
Here is a quick list of the top 10 topics that I am asked to discuss with animals:
1. We are going to have a baby.
2. We are going to move and you are coming with us.
3. We are going to move and you can’t come with us.
4. We are no longer able to care for you.
5. Your guardian has transitioned into spirit.
6. Another animal in the house has transitioned into spirit.
7. Someone else (animal or human) is coming to live with us.
8. I am going to work and I will be home in 9 hours and not abandoning you forever.
9. We are getting a divorce and we are splitting up the animals.
10. We are going on a vacation – I am not abandoning you forever.
I work and travel a lot. Can you ask my pet if I should get another pet so that they can keep each other company?
Yes, I can ask your pet this question, and honestly it is a good idea to do so. Every animal is different and has its own personality, just like people do. Some animals like the company and some like to be the only animal companion so that they get all of the attention.
Where an Animal Communicator REALLY becomes helpful is when an animal is lonely during the day and would like to have another animal there for companionship, but once the guardian comes home, they would like the other animal to disappear into thin air so that they get all of the attention. This requires some counseling to all parties involved.
Can you help me pick out an animal so that I know that they will be the perfect fit for me and other members in my household?
As an animal communicator, I can ask the animal to tell me about themselves. What they like and dislike and I can get a feel for their personality type. However there are many pitfalls to this.
First of all, if you are looking to get a kitten or puppy, then there is a good chance that there personality will change as they get a bit older (after all they are babies and babies change as they get older). There is also dynamics involved between other animals in the home (if any).
Each animal has their own personality and although I can ask all of the animals in the household if they would like this new animal, the only way to really know is to have them meet. It’s like asking if you like “funny people” and then having Robin Williams move in with you. Yes, he’s funny…but it might not be amusing to have it in your face 24x7x365.
But it is a great idea to use an Animal Communicator to get a feel for the animal if you are adopting or rescuing an animal from the streets, a shelter, a rescue, etc. I can help you get an idea of their personality and ask them if they like your energy. There are no guarantees (written or implied) with this, but it could be helpful.
If you are going to be buying an animal from an owner or a breeder, then it is essential that I get the permission of the animal’s owner/guardian before I communicate with them.
My neighbor’s dog barks all of the time! Can you ask him to stop barking?
No. Ethically, I cannot communicate with anyone’s animal without the permission of their owner/guardian.
There are exceptions of course, such as if an animal is wild, is in danger – such as running close to a busy highway, or looks like it is lost/stray, or injured, or if I am just saying “hello”.
Just think of it like this…would you want me to walk up and start a conversation with your child to get information from them or to ask them to change their behavior? Probably not. But you might if your child was lost and I was trying to help them find you. Or if they had wandered too close to a busy highway, or if they had been injured and I was comforting them or helping them, or just to say hello.
I am NOT implying that children and animals are the same thing, but for the purpose of this question, it seems to work well to use this analogy.
I am skeptical that Animal Communicators are “for real”. Will you prove that you are the “real-deal” by getting the name of my dog from him?
I can certainly understand skepticism! I was a big skeptic at first too. Imagine the first time that a Grizzly Bear told me that he liked Candy Canes. I thought I must be making it all up in my head. It turns out that I was right and he actually does love candy canes. Who knew?
However, there are better ways to ease your mind about Animal Communication then giving me a trick question as a test. The reason for this is that first of all, YOU may call a dog “Spike”, but his biological dog mother actually named him Pernoniome. (Don’t ask me to pronounce it – that is part of the point). So he might tell me his name is Pernoniome and not Spike, and I might not even be able to understand that he is saying Pernomiome because it is so foreign to my ear and even if I heard it, I couldn’t pronounce it. And lastly….he doesn’t feel his name is Spike.
This also happens a lot with an animal’s age. Perhaps you adopted your animal because they were a stray and you only have a best guess estimate on how old they are. I can ask the animal what their age is, but time is very different for them than it is for us. This is why dogs get so excited to see us when we come in the door from getting the mail, because they don’t realize that we were only gone for 90 seconds. I can ask their age, but I don’t often get the right answer. I can only relay what the animal tells me and if they tell me the wrong thing, you are going to get the wrong answer.
A much better solution to this is to let me connect with your animal and get a feel for who they are. I usually will ask them to tell me about their life at the beginning of their session and I will relate to you what they tell me. You will know if this is your animal or not. This works much better than the “guess my name or age” test. This tactic usually only makes the communication more difficult during the session.
The truth is that if your interest only lies in “testing” me to prove whether I am the “real-deal” or not, then I am probably not the right Animal Communicator for you. My interest lies in helping you to truly communicate with your animal and to help you each to have a better understanding of each other. If I am consistently giving you information that doesn’t “feel right” then I might have connected with the wrong animal, I might have misinterpreted the information that the animal gave me or a number of other factors (up to and including that I could have gotten it wrong).
If you don’t feel that you have gotten a good communication throughout the session, then I usually won’t charge you for the session. I stand behind my work and I feel confident in what I do, so if you are truly not happy with the whole session, then I cannot in good conscience charge you for the session as long as you are being reasonable about your expectations regarding Animal Communication.
How many questions can I get you to ask in a session?
The length of session you pick will dictate the number of questions that can potentially be answered.
Typically in 60 minute session I can usually have good conversations with your animals and can possibly communication with more than one.
Often the answer that an animal provides will dictate which way the conversation will go next. So I recommend prioritizing who you want me to talk to and have the questions written down for yourself.
I have had 60 minute sessions that are completely filled by the first question (and the client was very happy because it answered every facet of the question that she had and it actually negated the need for the rest of the questions).
I would use this as a “general” guideline:
60 minute session: 4-6 questions
30 minute session : 3-5 questions
5 minute session (ONLY done at special events): 1 question
I would also recommend putting the questions in order of importance to you.
What KIND of animals do you talk to?
I can talk to any species of animal. Unlike Dr. Doolittle who had to learn the language of each species, I took the lazy route and only had to learn one thing – telepathy. Lucky for me, it translates for every living species. Whew! How lucky was that? I already have two Master’s degrees, so I was not willing to get a language degree in every species.
But seriously, every animal no matter how small their bodies or their brains may be, can communicate. While my parents were on vacation I went to check on their house and the kitchen was infested with ants. I told the ants (collectively) that my parents were due home in 3 days and they would not be happy to find ants in their kitchen and I felt confident that they would try to kill every last one of them. I explained that I did not want to see harm to come to them as I understood that there were just trying to find a good home for their families, but that living in my parent’s home was not a good option for them. I asked the ants to leave for their own safety. I asked them if they would mind leaving immediately so that I could be sure that they were going to be safe. I left the room and came back in 5 minutes and to my delight there was not one trace of an ant (and believe me, I looked!).
I have communicated with Grizzly Bears (some of my all-time favorite conversations), Polar Bears, dogs, cats, horses, mosquitos, woodchucks, ants, condors, tigers, lions, red pandas, camels, robins, crows, ducks, geese, goats, sheep, and on and on. The communication is no different between different species, but the approach is different for different species.
If you can talk to your dogs, then they must be the best behaved dogs in the world!
Well that isn’t really a question, so I will answer with a question.
Do you have children? Do they always do what you tell them when you talk to them? Enough said. 😉
Do I have to bring my dog to you to have you communicate with him?
No you do not. I conduct the majority of my session using a photo of your animal. This is the great part of telepathy! It doesn’t matter if they are 6 feet or 6000 miles away, the communication is the same.
In fact, I can actually communicate with animals AFTER they have transitioned into Spirit. The communication is the same there as well.
Can you talk to my cat that died a year ago?
Yes I can communicate with animals that are alive and well the same way that I can communicate with animals after they have transitioned into Spirit (died).
The reason is that I believe that animals have souls just like we do and it continues on after it has left a physical body.
If you communicate with my animal that has died, what would they say?
It depends on what you want me to ask them. Most often people want me to check in and make sure that their animal is “okay” and no longer suffering from sickness or pain. Sometime they want to be assured that they are with “Uncle Tom” or their other animals that have already transitioned. Or they want to make sure that the animal is not upset that they had them euthanized. Animals are amazing and can offer much insight to us.
If you are only using a photo, how do you know that you are talking to my animal? Have you ever connected with the wrong animal?
That is exactly why I also ask for their name, sex, age, and how long you have had them. And then once I connect with the animal, I ask them about their life and then I relay any information that I get. I will then ask, “does this sound like Fluffy?” to ensure that indeed I have connected with the correct animal.
When I first started out in Animal Communication, I did a session with a woman who asked me to talk to her dog and then call her back with all of the information because she didn’t have an hour to stay on the phone. I did as she asked and when I called her back I gave her the laundry list of things that I had gotten from her dog. I forgot to stop and ask “does this sound like your dog?” At the end of the session, she told me that I was 100% correct on every single item….for her OTHER dog. Apparently, I had connected with the wrong dog, but I did have a very lovely conversation with the dog that I talked to. It turns out, she sent the wrong photo of the wrong dog.
I also had another time where I was asked to talk to a woman’s dog that has transitioned into Spirit. I connected with the dog and got a huge amount of information from the dog. I became very confused as I noticed that some of the information directly conflicted with a previous answer that I had gotten. So I asked the woman about it. I told her that dog had told me that when he transitioned that he was 12 years, 3 months and 1 day old, but she had told me that her dog was 19 when it transitioned. And another anomaly was that the dog showed me that he had long ears and then showed me that he had short ears. My client laughed very hard for a good two minutes before she could explain that her Basset Hound had transitioned when he was 12 years old and he obviously had long ears. So it was then that I realized that other “animal family members” (alive or in spirit) can jump in at any time if they want to be heard. Luckily my client was happy to hear from both of her “angels”.
What if I don’t feel that you really connected with my animal because he was asleep the entire time you “communicated” with him?
It is very common for animals to have a telepathic conversation while sleeping or to appear that they are not paying attention at all. But that doesn’t mean that I am not connecting with them.
Usually I will get most everything correct but even the best Animal Communicators are usually only 85-90% correct. This happens because a lot of what we do is interpretation of what the animal shows/tells us. It can easily be translated incorrectly. The animal might tell me that he hardly ever gets fed. By this he means that he gets fed 1 cup of food twice a day, but his previous owner just left food out all day for the dog to eat when he wanted. If I don’t ask the proper question as follow up to his statement, I could just say, “your dog says that he hardly ever gets fed”, and I would be right/but wrong. Hardly ever could be twice a day by the dog’s standards. But the statement implies that the dog is being neglected and going hungry.
I stand behind my work and I feel confident in what I do, so if you are truly not happy with the whole session, then I cannot in good conscience charge you for the session. I just ask that you be reasonable about your expectations regarding Animal Communication.
When you communicate with my dog, do you hear his voice? What does he sound like?
Ahhh….excellent questions. Animals communicate to me in many different ways. Depending on the Animal Communicator, we can receive the information in different ways. I myself get images in my mind that the animal has sent to me. I also hear words or sentences. These most often sounds like my own voice in my head, however many times the inflection, speed, or words are not my own. I once had a horse use words that I didn’t know the meaning of and I had to go and Google them after the session. I always love when that happens because it is a great way to know that I am not making this up in my head because I wouldn’t have used words that I don’t know the meaning of.
I once talked to a Grizzly Bear that sounded like me – voice wise, but he spoke very quickly like a 4 year old child and said, “you know what? You know what? I like grapes! You know why? You know why?” The different cadence and tone made this Grizzly sound like someone else, but it was still my own voice.
I also get emotions or feelings from animals. They might send me an image, but then I will have additional information about it that I just “know”.
I also get aches and pains on my body in the spot where an animal is hurting. This is sometimes how they show me where they hurt.
They can also send me a smell (such as hay in a barn) or a taste. I am dreading the day that a dog sends me the taste of rabbit droppings. Ugh.
I had an Animal Communicator talk to my cat after it died and I wasn’t sure if they got everything right so I used a second Animal Communicator and they gave me different answers. Which one should I believe? Or should I go to a third Animal Communicator to break the tie?
I am sorry to hear that you don’t feel satisfied with the sessions that you have had. This is something that can happen, for many different reasons.
1. When an animal is still here in the physical world, their answers can be more easily validated by you, the animal’s guardian because they are usually related to their current environment. When the animal is in Spirit, chances are that you won’t be able to validate the answers about what Fluffy is doing in her afterlife because only Fluffy knows for sure.
2. The Animal Communicator may have connected with the wrong cat. It happens and it can happen that they could connect with another cat that you loved. This is why I like to validate with the animal’s guardian and ask, “does the information I am giving you sound like your cat?”
3. As Animal Communicators, we are translators and sometimes it can be very difficult to translate what an animal is communicating to us. For example, I had a Grizzly Bear named Lucy at a sanctuary, show me an image of another female bear and indicated that there was an issue between them. I thought the image of the bear was Maggi, another bear that lived there. When I conveyed the message to the director of the sanctuary that Lucy had a problem with Maggi, she said that Lucy has never even seen Maggi. I asked if there were other female bears at the sanctuary and it turned out that there were. When I saw the third female bear named Sheena, I realized that she was the bear that Lucy had showed me in the image. But since I am not a bear expert, both Maggi and Sheena looked alike to me and I couldn’t tell them apart from a quick glimpse of an image in mind. Now that I have spent time with them, I don’t know how I could have ever mixed them up because they look very different. But at the time, a bear was a bear was a bear. So as an Animal Communicator I try to describe what I see, sometimes I have to interpret it through my own experiences and knowledge.
4. You contacted a second Animal Communicator to “test the answers”. This in itself can cause problems because of the intention that you set for the session was more of a test for the Animal Communicator than to connect with your cat. You are the one that has the love connection with your animal and you should be an active part of the communication session and your intention (as well as the intention of the Animal Communicator) will drive the results of the session. Remember that the Animal Communicator is a translator/interpreter and is not an all knowing and seeing psychic (well…some are, but many aren’t). You should tell a Communicator when the information doesn’t feel right. If I were you, I wouldn’t waste more money on an Animal Communicator unless your intention is purely to connect with your cat.
5. Sometimes Animal Communicators are wrong. We sometimes have off-days or are tired, or have a headache, etc. Usually, I will be honest with my client and reschedule a session if I don’t feel that I can give the Animal and the Animal’s Guardian “my all”. But sometimes that just isn’t practical due to schedules, etc. Even the best communicators aren’t always 100% accurate. I have felt I have had very strong connections with the same animal in different sessions and I got a different answer to one of the questions. The question was, “who is your favorite human in your family?” The answer the first time I asked was, “the son”. The second time it was the father. Did the animal lie? Did I get it wrong? So I asked the animal and they said they felt guilty picking a favorite and so they would use whomever they felt closest to at the moment when they are asked. If you think about it, it is like asking you to tell me which of your children is your favorite. If you are being honest, doesn’t it change from moment to moment? And don’t you feel guilty for having a favorite? It is no different with an animal.
6. There are many additional factors that could cause this situation and this could turn into the world longest FAQ. So I will stop with these answers since I think it covers the most common reasons this could happen. The Bottom line is to get referrals for an Animal Communicator if possible. If you don’t feel that you have really gotten a quality session, then ask for a refund. As a Communicator, I am comfortable with my abilities, and if a client is completely unhappy, then I probably won’t charge for the session if I feel that the client had reasonable expectations.
Can you tell me if my pet has cancer?
I am not a veterinarian so if you dog doesn’t know (and tell me) then I won’t know either.
Can you how long my pet is going to live?
No, I cannot. I am not a psychic that predicts the future. I am more like a “foreign language translator” who knows your pet’s language and can ask them questions for you, get the answer and give it back to you. If you think about it, if I asked you how long you are going to live….do you know the answer? Usually your pet does not either.